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5 Questions About the Brooks-Bryson Showdown

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5 Questions About the Brooks-Bryson Showdown

The best characteristic of the folks behind The Match, golf’s series of made-for-TV showdowns, is that they’re willing to adapt.

The first Match pitted the game’s two biggest names, Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, in a $9 million Las Vegas pay-per-view the day after Thanksgiving in 2018. Viewers flocked to place their orders; when else would they get to see Tiger vs. Phil like this? Overall, the show delivered; we got Woods sending it to sudden death playoff holes, we got a peek at Shadow Creek (Vegas’ mythic golf cathedral) and we got Mickelson winning the entire thing in the darkness on the 22nd hole on a strange, modified par-3 over a waterfall. It was strange and it was wonderful and it was very Vegas.

But not everything worked. The pay-per-view, for one thing. And Mickelson and Woods never quite seemed to decide whether they were doing friendly or intense, so instead they didn’t really do either. Their banter was flat and forced, their golf was lackluster and the whole thing took damn long.


Then the show adapted. Its next iteration brought back Woods and Mickelson, but this time with partners: Woods got Peyton Manning, while Mickelson got Tom Brady. Suddenly there were more characters, more dialogue, more natural banter. There was less dead air, with golfers in carts connected to the broadcasters. There were more golf shots. And there was heightened star power, too — a certain subset of the American populus would watch Tom Brady and Peyton Manning visit the DMV, so watching them play golf added another layer of intrigue. (Note to self: that DMV idea isn’t half-bad…)

Mickelson excelled in the format, so he stayed on to anchor the next edition, which aired the day after Thanksgiving 2020 and featured the redemption of Charles Barkley’s golf game, the all-athlete team of Manning and Steph Curry and a terrific format tweak to modified alternate shot. It wasn’t fast-paced. It wasn’t viral, must-see TV. But it was still fun.

They added a couple wrinkles for The Match IV, heading to Montana and introducing Bryson DeChambeau and Aaron Rodgers to face off against Brady and Mickelson. Rodgers showed up with a surprisingly sharp game, we got to see DeChambeau pound driver at elevation and a bear even wandered through the set. (It was slow, though.)

Now The Match V returns with the original 1 v. 1 format, pitting DeChambeau against rival Brooks Koepka, who is making his series debut. They’ll play 12 holes at The Wynn, just steps from the heart of the Las Vegas Strip. The Match’s announcement was received with excitement and eye-rolls in seemingly equal measure. So who’s right — the believers or the skeptics? In short, we don’t know yet. The Match’s producers and competitors have some questions to answer. Here are five of the biggest:


1. How real is the feud, anyway?

There’s a reason we’ve been begging for this matchup, whether in a PGA Tour event or elsewhere. Their public beef dates back to January 2019, when Koepka called out DeChambeau for slow play. Since then there have been too many developments to properly catalog. But of late the feud seems to have cooled; Commissioner Monahan called off fans yelling “Brooksy” at DeChambeau, the two agreed to play nice at the Ryder Cup and even finished the week with a public embrace.

When the Match was announced, then, some golf fans were understandably wary. Was the entire thing a marketing ploy? An attempt to climb the PIP leaderboard? Was it all just made up?

My guess: It’s more real than you might think. Think back to the moment this initially took off, when an outtake from Koepka’s interview with Todd Lewis leaked and his reaction to DeChambeau walking by became the eye-roll seen ’round the world. That was real annoyance. There’s no faking a reaction like that. And now they’re taking advantage of it. They’re cashing in on that very real tension. Speaking of which…

2. Will they go friendly or frosty?

There are two approaches that would result in particularly worthwhile viewing here. The first would be a reconciliation of sorts, where the two hash out their differences in an authentic series of conversations that take place over a series of holes. They wouldn’t necessarily resolve anything but they’d at least address the root of the feud. I’m envisioning Zoolander and Hansel getting together for their epic confrontation:


“Why you been acting so messed up towards me?”

Wow, just typing that makes me consider its improbability. But it’s not impossible. The “authentic” note just seems like the toughest one to hit.

The second approach would be embracing the rivalry’s contentiousness. They could each demonstrate their legitimate dislike for the other through open frostiness. Uncomfortable silences. Pettiness. Non-conceded putts. General graveness. The outside chance of a physical altercation would linger over every green. This would be awesome but, again, unlikely. It’s golf.

My guess: DeChambeau is, by nature, friendly and non-confrontational, which might make both options difficult. Koepka is good at staredowns, he’s good at pettiness and he’s good at looking dour. But he has also seemed more comfortable buddying up with DeChambeau in recent weeks, so it’s not clear he could really go full heel here. Hopefully there’s some middle ground they can hit, but managing this balance seems like this match’s biggest challenge.

3. Can 1 vs. 1 work?

There’s a reason event organizers added more characters to this thing. Not even Woods and Mickelson could fill four-plus hours of dead space. There’s a lot of pressure to be entertaining when millions of people are tuning in just to watch you walk from the tee to your ball — and these guys are used to making those walks in silence or muttering to their caddies.


It’s tough to keep tension high for four-plus hours when there are just two golfers and they’re forcing banter. And it’s tough to fill the space if they aren’t forcing banter, too. So this is another challenge.

My guess: They’ve taken a few steps to resolve this one. First there are the earpieces, which connect competitors to broadcasters who can guide conversation or introduce wrinkles of their own that take some of the pressure off their mano a mano interactions. Next are the golf carts, which speed up play and avoid the awkwardness of figuring out whether they should walk together down the fairway. And then there’s the decision they’ve made to shrink the competition to 12 holes.

4. Is 12 holes the correct answer?

There is an obvious benefit to 12 holes: It doesn’t take as long as 18 holes. The Match has struggled with going too long, and now it will be shorter! But it’s still longer than nine holes, so you’re getting two-thirds the golf instead of just half. That would be unsatisfying.

The downside is mostly to the match’s perceived legitimacy. A round of golf is generally considered to be 18 holes, and golf matches are generally considered to be 18 holes. Does 12 holes take away from the winner’s accomplishment?


My guess: We’re still talking about The Match here. It’s fun, but it doesn’t exactly define a player’s legacy. So 12 holes isn’t really a deal-breaker. If we’re splitting hairs, I’d rather get 13 holes than 12, but I think it’s a worthy effort to stave off accusations of “this is boring!” and squeeze into a shorter TV window.

5. What, if any, role will Phil Mickelson play?

The only constant through the first four editions of The Match has been ole Lefty. Now the PGA Champ won’t be on the playing field — but will he be in the broadcast booth? Standing on the 18th hole, challenging each guy to a closest-to-the pin competition? Watching from the adjacent sportsbook, firing in prop bets? Several hours of Mickelson behind the microphone could be exactly the sort of eccentric energy this event demands.

My guess: He’ll be there, reunited with his former partner Charles Barkley, calling the action alongside Ernie Johnson. That’ll be an extremely good thing for everyone watching and trying to stave off a post-Thanksgiving nap.


This article originally appeared on


The Art of Golf Course Photography

Capturing a golf course’s essence involves conveying its beauty and tranquility through masterful photography techniques.

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Peter Gibb

Capturing the Beauty of the Game

Ahoy, shutterbug golfers! This week, we’re diving into the enchanting world of golf course photography – because what better way to preserve the magic of the game than through the lens of a camera?

Check out the work by Peter Gibb he takes to the sky and photographs some iconic golf holes and then paints them on these beautiful canvases. Perhaps his style will inspire you as you capture your own images.

Peter Gibb
Art by Peter Gibb

So grab your cameras, polish your lenses, and let’s explore the art of capturing the beauty of the game:

1. Seek out Stunning Vistas: Every golf course has its own unique beauty waiting to be discovered. Whether it’s a breathtaking ocean view, a majestic mountain backdrop, or a lush green fairway stretching into the horizon, seek out stunning vistas that showcase the natural splendor of the course.

2. Embrace Golden Hour: The golden hour – that magical time just after sunrise or before sunset – is a photographer’s best friend. The soft, warm light bathes the landscape in a golden glow, casting long shadows and creating dramatic contrasts. Embrace the golden hour to capture your golf course in all its radiant glory.

3. Focus on Details: While sweeping landscapes are certainly breathtaking, don’t overlook the smaller details that make each golf course unique. Whether it’s the intricate design of a bunker, the delicate petals of a flower, or the serene reflection of a pond, focus on capturing the finer details that add depth and character to the scene.


4. Experiment with Perspectives: Don’t be afraid to get creative with your compositions and perspectives. Experiment with different angles, vantage points, and framing techniques to add visual interest and depth to your photos. Whether you’re shooting from ground level, aerial drones, or even underwater, the possibilities are endless.

5. Tell a Story: Finally, use your golf course photos to tell a story – not just of the game, but of the experience and emotions it evokes. Whether it’s the joy of sinking a putt, the frustration of hitting into a hazard, or the camaraderie of playing with friends, let your photos capture the essence of the golfing experience in all its glory.

So there you have it, fellow photographers – the art of golf course photography in all its majestic splendor. Whether you’re seeking out stunning vistas, embracing golden hour light, focusing on details, experimenting with perspectives, or telling a captivating story, let your camera be your guide as you capture the beauty of the game for all to see. And if you are just interested in a wonderful piece of art reach out to Peter Gibb.

Until next time, may your shots be as sharp as your focus, your compositions be as flawless as your swings, and your photos be a window into the soul of golf. Snap on, my fellow shutterbugs!

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Golf’s Grand Stages: Iconic Tournaments and Their Impact

The game’s greatest events.

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Majestic events for some of golf’s elite

Hello, golf enthusiasts,

As we extend our series “Tales from the Greens: Chronicles of Golf Through the Ages,” today we shift our focus from players and equipment to the grand stages themselves—the tournaments that have defined competitive golf. These events are not just competitions; they are cultural phenomena that have shaped the sport and its global following. Let’s explore some of the most iconic golf tournaments and their profound impact on the sport.

The Masters: A Tradition Unlike Any Other

Held annually at Augusta National Golf Club, The Masters is synonymous with tradition and prestige. Founded by Bobby Jones and Clifford Roberts in 1934, this tournament is known for its green jacket, a coveted prize that symbolizes excellence and membership in golf’s most exclusive club. The Masters has been a stage for some of golf’s greatest moments, from Jack Nicklaus’ historic win in 1986 at the age of 46 to Tiger Woods’ dramatic comeback in 2019.

The Open Championship: Golf’s Oldest Major

Commonly referred to as The British Open, The Open Championship is the oldest of golf’s four major tournaments, first played in 1860. It is conducted annually on the links courses around Scotland and England, presenting a unique challenge with its unpredictable weather and rugged landscapes. The Claret Jug, awarded to the champion, is one of the most recognized trophies in all of sports.

The U.S. Open: Ultimate Test of Golf

The U.S. Open is renowned for its rigorous setup, which aims to test the limits of players’ skills and mental toughness. Conducted by the United States Golf Association (USGA), this tournament is played at various locations across the United States and is known for its narrow fairways, thick rough, and fast greens. Winning the U.S. Open is a testament to a golfer’s precision and perseverance.


The PGA Championship: A Showcase of Talent

The PGA Championship, conducted by the Professional Golfers’ Association of America, is where golf’s best professionals vie for the Wanamaker Trophy. This tournament is distinct for often being held at parkland courses across the U.S., featuring lush fairways and challenging greens. It’s a test of both skill and strategic play, often bringing out the best performances from the world’s top golfers.

These tournaments are more than just annual sporting events; they are a celebration of golf’s rich history and a showcase of its evolving future. Each tournament brings its unique flavor and set of challenges, contributing significantly to the legacy and popularity of the sport worldwide.

Join me next time as we explore golf’s role in fostering international camaraderie and sportsmanship.

Thank you for following along.

Warm regards,
Robert Greenfield

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The Joy of Golfing with Friends

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Building Bonds on the Fairway

Ahoy, golfing companions! This week, we’re celebrating the unparalleled joy of teeing off with friends – because as any golfer knows, there’s nothing quite like sharing the fairway with your favorite playing partners. So gather your crew, dust off your clubs, and let’s explore the magic of golfing with friends:

1. Shared Laughter, Shared Memories: Golfing with friends isn’t just about hitting the ball – it’s about sharing laughs, swapping stories, and creating memories that last a lifetime. Whether you’re reminiscing about past rounds, joking about missed putts, or simply enjoying each other’s company, the camaraderie of the game is what makes it truly special.

2. Support and Encouragement: One of the greatest benefits of golfing with friends is the support and encouragement they provide. From cheering you on after a great shot to offering words of wisdom when you’re struggling, your playing partners are there to lift you up and help you stay positive, no matter what challenges the course throws your way.

3. Friendly Competition: While golf is ultimately a game against the course, there’s no denying the thrill of a little friendly competition among friends. Whether you’re competing for bragging rights, playing for a friendly wager, or simply trying to outdo each other on the scorecard, the spirit of competition adds an extra layer of excitement to every round.

4. Strengthening Bonds: Golfing with friends isn’t just about the game – it’s about strengthening bonds and deepening friendships. The shared experiences, inside jokes, and moments of triumph and defeat on the course all serve to bring you closer together, forging bonds that are as strong as steel.


5. Lifelong Companionship: Finally, golfing with friends is about more than just the present moment – it’s about building lifelong companionship that extends far beyond the fairway. Whether you’re celebrating victories, commiserating over defeats, or simply enjoying each other’s company, the friendships forged on the golf course are ones that will endure for years to come.

So there you have it, fellow golfing comrades – the joy of golfing with friends in all its glorious splendor. Whether you’re sharing laughs, supporting each other through the ups and downs, or strengthening bonds that last a lifetime, there’s nothing quite like hitting the links with your favorite playing partners by your side. Until next time, may your rounds be filled with friendship, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Friends on, my fellow golfers!

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