Golf with Cardio? Speed Golf is Now a Thing

Depending on how you look at it, golf can be either the greatest or the worst sport ever.
If you are a golfer, it is the greatest game created. All you need to put you in a good mood is a little time on the course. You basically have to love the sport to play since there can be a lot of walking between each shot. Even if you take a cart, you will be walking close to 10,000 steps per round.
For people who don’t play golf, it seems very uneventful and even down right boring without any excitement of seeing your favorite players bash into each other. The amount of time you spend playing a game with such little action is just not worth it. Having trouble falling asleep? Put the Golf Channel on and you’ll be on your way to Snoozeville in no time.
Now we have found a way to bring the two sides of the coin together! How about a friendly, heart-pumping game of speed golf?

Here are the rules of Speed Golf:
– No carts allowed – which means you must run at full speed most of the time.


– When possible, you must run at the ball full speed and swing your club without breaking your stride. A short amount of time is allowed to take certain shots, but it can take you no more than 2 seconds before you must hit.


– The partner who is not hitting must run and carry both bags at once.


– Proper golf etiquette is still a must, fixing your divots and resetting the sand after you shoot out of a bunker. This must be done with the same high speed as the rest of the game.
Now clearly, this game has the best of both worlds. After all, it takes skill to be able to golf, let alone while you are running the entire time. Non-golfers will get the excitement they get from other sports. One of the biggest benefits, might be that speed golf may eliminate slow play. With such a short amount of setup time between shots, there is no chance the group behind you will be asking to play through.
Plus, you will definitely need to stay in shape in order to maintain your endurance. You will have no chance at winning if you do not push yourself to go as fast as possible. Surely that ‘Quarantine 15’ will be off your waistline after regular outings with your buddies.
Check it out in the video above, revel in the craziness, and enjoy a good laugh. No matter how you feel about golf, you are sure to find it entertaining. Perhaps it’s even time to get a petition going so we can make speed golf an official Olympic event.