The Craziest Holes in One in Golf | These Guys Are GOOD!!!

Today we just wanted to have a little fun and send out a video of the best, wildest, luckiest, and most pure golf shots that found the bottom of the cup in one shot. #PGA #TheseGuysAreGood

We all have that one guy in our group. You know him, his swing is average at best, he is lucky to break 100 yets he has multiple holes in one.

Then enter the other guy in the group. You know him as well, he has a textbook perfect swing, always shoots in the ’70s and on an off day will fire an 84. This guy has tremendous ball striking and it just sounds different coming off the clubface. (for the record I am describing myself – LOL)

Comment below and tell us you’re BEST hole-in-one story. I will personally read them all and crown someone the winner of the “Hole in One” Story contest. I may even send out a Bridgestone golf ball from Tiger Woods that I got from him personally.