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Trick Shot Artist Was Inspired at Age 12 by a Tiger Woods Commercial

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Trick Shot Artist Inspired by Tiger

At age 12, Tania Tare wasn’t into golf yet. But a commercial featuring Tiger Woods juggling and then hitting a golf ball out of the air caught her eye. Fast forward 20 years and Tare can only look back in amazement.

“If I think about how it all started, it’s actually pretty crazy,” she said.

Tare, 32, grew up in New Zealand, played collegiately at Florida International, and lived briefly in California before settling in Arizona. She vividly recalls that day two decades ago when she watched the Nike commercial of Woods casually bouncing a ball on a wedge several times, going up and under his legs before swinging at the ball and launching it to the moon.

“I saw that when I was about 12 and I learned how to do that without ever hitting a golf ball off the ground. I thought that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen,” she said. “I didn’t even really like associate it in my head that it was golf. … I didn’t hit my first golf ball in a normal way until I was like 14. So technically, yeah, that’s probably the first thing I did that related to golf.”


“I didn’t start doing trick shots because ‘I’m going to be the best trickshot artist in the world.’ I just did them for my friends and family who thought that golf was kind of boring,” she said. “I was like, ‘This isn’t boring!’ And then all these people really liked them and all these opportunities came up and I was like, ‘Oh, this is a thing?’ and now it’s literally a thing that I do.”

The opportunities did indeed come up. And they still do.

Tare has sponsorships with Ping, OnCore golf balls, watchmaker Audemars Piguet—for which she shot a cool commercial in a parking structure which hardly even features the watch—and adidas, which provides her apparel. She is frequently booked for events and has a crazy following on social media. Her Instagram account has more than 300,000 followers.


Tania TareGolf trick shot artist Tania Tare at Eagle Mountain Golf Club in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Photo by Todd Kelly/Golfweek

A once aspiring LPGA player, Tare’s biggest foe has been injuries. She says she’s had three wrist surgeries and was told she needed a fourth but she’s hesitant to try that again, considering the first three didn’t work.

“Now I’m at the point where I’m like, ‘I don’t know if it’s meant for me,’” she says of reaching her LPGA dream. Her golfing life simply took her down a different path.

“I tell people all the time I feel like I really lucked out,” she said. “Ninety percent of my life is trick shots and all the stuff surrounding it. I get to stay in the golf world. I’m actually in the golf world in a better way than I was when I was a pro and I was grinding.

“For the first patch when I was still actually trying to play [on tour] I was making money off the trick shot stuff and then spending it all on trying to be a pro golfer and it was like, the feeling was way different. Now I’ve gotten to do so many things, meet so many people that I definitely wouldn’t have had that chance if I was just a pro trying to get on tour.”


Tania TareGolf trick shot artist Tania Tare at Eagle Mountain Golf Club in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Photo by Todd Kelly/Golfweek

Before the pandemic, she said she was home about three nights a month.

Tare recently played (regular golf) and then performed (trick shot golf) at an enhancement ceremony for Eagle Mountain Golf Club in Fountain Hills, Arizona. She talked about other gigs on her upcoming schedule, including one at Desert Mountain in North Scottsdale. She also committed to playing in the Arizona Women’s Open.

“I wrote on Instagram that I would enter if I got more than 200 comments and it got over 1,000. I gotta keep my word,” she said with a smile.

Tania TareGolf trick shot artist Tania Tare at Eagle Mountain Golf Club in Fountain Hills, Arizona. Photo by Todd Kelly/Golfweek


Tare hasn’t been home to New Zealand since before COVID but has plans to fly back early in 2022 if the pandemic doesn’t take a turn for the worse.

In the meantime, she’ll keep making those fun videos. One of her more famous involved a yoga ball and a red Solo cup. The video is just seven seconds long but took countless tries to pull off. The back story is pretty great, too.

“That one, on the ball, my family was waiting for me to go to dinner, it was my birthday. I was like, ‘No! I have to!’” she said. “Once I start a trick, once I have an idea, I just pretty much do it till I’m sore.”


This article originally Appeared on Golfweek.


Golf as a Global Bridge: Fostering International Camaraderie and Sportsmanship

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Continuing our series “Tales from the Greens: Chronicles of Golf Through the Ages,” this week we explore a less discussed but equally important aspect of golf: its role in fostering international camaraderie and sportsmanship. Golf is not just a game of skill and strategy; it is also a powerful vehicle for building relationships and understanding across cultures. Let’s delve into how golf has become a global bridge, connecting people from various backgrounds in unique and meaningful ways.

The Ryder Cup: A Symbol of International Competition

Perhaps no other event symbolizes golf’s capacity to unite different nations as vividly as the Ryder Cup. Initiated in 1927, this biennial competition pits teams from Europe and the United States against each other. Unlike other golf tournaments, the Ryder Cup is not about individual glory but team spirit, cooperation, and mutual respect. The event has grown to become one of the most respected and anticipated events in the golfing calendar, celebrated for its intense competition and sportsmanship.

The Olympics: Golf’s Return to Global Harmony

Golf’s inclusion in the Olympics, both in the early 20th century and its return in 2016, underscores the sport’s global appeal and its capacity to bring diverse nations together. Representing one’s country on such a prestigious platform elevates the game from a personal challenge to a matter of national pride, enhancing the camaraderie and respect among international players. The Olympic spirit aligns perfectly with the values of golf, emphasizing respect, dignity, and the joy of participation.

Golf Tours and Opens Worldwide

The proliferation of international tours and opens has also played a significant role in spreading golf across the globe. From the Asian Tour to the European Tour, these events not only showcase local talent but also provide a stage for international players to display their skills, fostering a global golfing community. Each tournament hosted outside the traditional strongholds of golf serves as a bridge, bringing the nuances of local cultures into the broader golf narrative.

Youth and Community Outreach Programs

Golf has also embraced its role as a bridge through various youth and community outreach programs worldwide. Organizations like The First Tee use golf as a tool to instill life skills and core values in young people from diverse backgrounds. These programs not only make golf more accessible but also use the sport as a means to teach teamwork, integrity, and respect—qualities that are essential both on and off the green.


As we reflect on golf’s role in fostering international camaraderie and sportsmanship, it is clear that the sport offers much more than just a competitive playground. It is a global community that respects diversity, promotes mutual understanding, and teaches valuable life lessons. In this sense, golf is not just playing a game; it is about building a better world through the shared love of the sport.

Thank you for joining me in exploring this profound aspect of golf.

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Golfing with Purpose

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Charity Tournaments and Giving Back to the Community

Greetings, generous golfers! This week, we’re teeing up for a noble cause as we explore the wonderful world of charity golf tournaments. Because while golf is a game of skill and strategy, it’s also a powerful tool for making a positive impact in the community. So grab your clubs, warm up your swing, and let’s dive into the joy of golfing with purpose:

1. Swing for Good: Charity golf tournaments offer a unique opportunity to combine your love for the game with your desire to give back to those in need. By participating in these events, you can swing for good and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, all while enjoying a day on the fairway.

2. Supporting Worthy Causes: From local charities and nonprofit organizations to national initiatives and global movements, charity golf tournaments support a wide range of worthy causes. Whether it’s raising funds for medical research, supporting underprivileged youth, or protecting the environment, there’s a cause out there for every golfer to rally behind.

3. Building Community: Charity golf tournaments bring people together in a spirit of camaraderie and shared purpose. Whether you’re playing alongside friends, family members, colleagues, or complete strangers, the bonds forged on the fairway can be powerful and lasting. Together, you can make a difference and build a stronger, more compassionate community.

4. Fun and Philanthropy: While the primary goal of charity golf tournaments may be to raise funds for a good cause, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun in the process. From themed contests and on-course games to raffles and silent auctions, these events are as enjoyable as they are impactful. So tee up, let loose, and swing for the fences – all in the name of philanthropy.


5. Leaving a Lasting Legacy: By participating in charity golf tournaments, you’re not just making a difference in the lives of others – you’re leaving a lasting legacy of generosity and compassion. Your contributions, whether big or small, can have a ripple effect that extends far beyond the confines of the golf course, enriching the lives of countless individuals and communities for years to come.

So there you have it, fellow philanthropists – the joy of golfing with purpose in all its noble glory. Whether you’re supporting worthy causes, building community, having fun, or leaving a lasting legacy, charity golf tournaments offer a powerful platform for making a positive impact in the world. Until next time, may your swings be strong, your hearts be generous, and your rounds be filled with purpose and joy. Swing on, my friends!

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The Art of Golf Course Photography

Capturing a golf course’s essence involves conveying its beauty and tranquility through masterful photography techniques.

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Peter Gibb

Capturing the Beauty of the Game

Ahoy, shutterbug golfers! This week, we’re diving into the enchanting world of golf course photography – because what better way to preserve the magic of the game than through the lens of a camera?

Check out the work by Peter Gibb he takes to the sky and photographs some iconic golf holes and then paints them on these beautiful canvases. Perhaps his style will inspire you as you capture your own images.

Peter Gibb
Art by Peter Gibb

So grab your cameras, polish your lenses, and let’s explore the art of capturing the beauty of the game:

1. Seek out Stunning Vistas: Every golf course has its own unique beauty waiting to be discovered. Whether it’s a breathtaking ocean view, a majestic mountain backdrop, or a lush green fairway stretching into the horizon, seek out stunning vistas that showcase the natural splendor of the course.

2. Embrace Golden Hour: The golden hour – that magical time just after sunrise or before sunset – is a photographer’s best friend. The soft, warm light bathes the landscape in a golden glow, casting long shadows and creating dramatic contrasts. Embrace the golden hour to capture your golf course in all its radiant glory.

3. Focus on Details: While sweeping landscapes are certainly breathtaking, don’t overlook the smaller details that make each golf course unique. Whether it’s the intricate design of a bunker, the delicate petals of a flower, or the serene reflection of a pond, focus on capturing the finer details that add depth and character to the scene.


4. Experiment with Perspectives: Don’t be afraid to get creative with your compositions and perspectives. Experiment with different angles, vantage points, and framing techniques to add visual interest and depth to your photos. Whether you’re shooting from ground level, aerial drones, or even underwater, the possibilities are endless.

5. Tell a Story: Finally, use your golf course photos to tell a story – not just of the game, but of the experience and emotions it evokes. Whether it’s the joy of sinking a putt, the frustration of hitting into a hazard, or the camaraderie of playing with friends, let your photos capture the essence of the golfing experience in all its glory.

So there you have it, fellow photographers – the art of golf course photography in all its majestic splendor. Whether you’re seeking out stunning vistas, embracing golden hour light, focusing on details, experimenting with perspectives, or telling a captivating story, let your camera be your guide as you capture the beauty of the game for all to see. And if you are just interested in a wonderful piece of art reach out to Peter Gibb.

Until next time, may your shots be as sharp as your focus, your compositions be as flawless as your swings, and your photos be a window into the soul of golf. Snap on, my fellow shutterbugs!

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