5 Tips for Your Mental Game

Our 5 Tips for Getting Your Mental Game on Point

Getting consistently low scores necessitates the convergence of several factors. You’ll need to double-check your fundamentals, such as ball position for each club. You’ll also require the proper equipment for your game as well as a more intelligent strategy. The mental game, on the other hand, is one of the most critical factors that many players overlook. Improvements in this area can be among the simplest and most effective ways to boost performance. Here are five things you can start doing right now to improve your golf thinking.


Make sure all of your critical elements for your game are ready the night before your round or golf match.

These tasks may seem insignificant, but if you wake up calmer and more relaxed because you’ve taken care of all of the above, you’ll have a better start to the day and, ideally, a better round of golf.


According to studies, listening to inspiring music before sports and exercise boosts a positive mood state and improves overall performance. I’d suggest making a playlist that corresponds to the length of your automobile ride to the golf course. As you approach the club, increase the volume of the music and finish with your favorite song.

20 Minutes

Allow an extra 20 minutes (maybe set your alarm 20 minutes earlier) while planning your golf game the night before your round, especially if you have a long drive to the course. If you arrive early – wonderful! – you will have more time to prepare at the club, but if you are delayed by traffic, you will have more time to prepare at the club and will not feel rushed at the start of your game.

Structure Your Practice

Before you tee off, set up 30-40 minutes for practice. Use this time to conduct a physical warm-up, some simple golf stretch exercises, golf shots, and short game and putting work. Make this routine work for you by modifying it as needed and taking into account your club’s resources. If a golfer has not done a warm-up prior to their round, it takes an average of 5 holes to warm up. Consider how many strokes you could lose without a warm-up in those five holes, and then how many shots you could gain with that warm-up built in.

Reflect and Record

The 19th hole is frequently used by golfers to reflect on a round of golf. Reflective practice is a type of analysis, an evaluation process, and a method for making changes in practice. Documenting your round and reflecting on your play improves your self-awareness and comprehension of your own golf game and the areas where you may improve. There are numerous apps and golf technologies that can assist you in documenting your round, but why not start with simple facts on your score card? Number of Putts, Fairway Percentage, and Greens in Regulation Instead of focusing on the problems, this provides you something positive to talk about in the clubhouse with your teammates. When assessing your round in the 19th, attempt to talk about two positive aspects of your round before discussing one area for development the next time you play.

Read the original article on Golf Monthly.